Saturday 1 November 2014

Day 52: Isla del Sol

A morning bus from Puno took us across the border, surprisingly hassle-free, into Bolivia, and the touristy but delightful little lakeside town of Copacabana. Someone behind me was clearly a Barry Manilow fan, because he was singing the song of that name all the way. I am not a Barry Manilow fan. Anyway, I hopped onto a boat across the blue waters of Titicaca to Isla del Sol (pic).

Isla del Sol, the traditional source of the Inca kingdom, is a beautiful island a couple of miles long. There are no cars and no roads, only rocky walking tracks. Everyone has donkeys (pic) to get about on and transport things. They park them in their back yards, just like cars.

There are two or three villages (pic) with lots of tourist facilities such as accommodation and restaurants. One or two of them even had somebody there.

I had a local Paceña beer at a hilltop bar (pic). By Bolivian standards it was a hefty price – 25 bolivianos, about £2.20 – but considering it came from the mainland by boat and donkey, it was a bargain. And the view wasn't bad.

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