Thursday 2 October 2014

Day 22: Quito

A day of admin – haircuts, laundry, realising I couldn't afford a side-trip to the Galapagos despite hunting out last-minute deals, that sort of thing – and a bit more sightseeing of the Old Town (pic).

I nipped inside San Francisco church, whose saturated baroque-style decoration made my eyes water (pic). Still, it was better than the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, which did seem pretty rubbish for a major capital city. Virtually nothing on exhibition; most of what you could see appeared to be the builders constructing something unspecified. Unless the abandoned ladder against a wall, the tangle of electrical cables, and sleeping dog were some sort of installation. With modern art you can never be sure.

Anyway, that's quite enough of Quito for me. Too sprawling, dull and dangerous for my liking. To Baños tomorrow, is the plan.

1 comment:

  1. How do you know it's that dangerous until you're held at gunpoint and left with nothing but your underwear? More thorough research please. But it's a real shame, Ecuador had such a good reputation 10-20 years ago.
